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Bend Closing Outdoor Burning for Season

Wild fire season is quickly approaching and Central Oregon has had a drier than average winter this year. Due to the dry winter, our area is seeing low fuel moisture levels. Additionally, the long term forecast looks like we could have an early fire season in the Pacific Northwest. Due to these factors, Bend Fire & Rescue has decided to close outdoor debris burning for the season effective immediately.

Bend Fire & Rescue will also be changing our fire danger sign from low to moderate. Included are the fire behavior detail of the moderate fire danger level. 

Moderate Fire Danger:

  • Fires can start from most accidental causes, but with the exception of
    lightning fires in some areas, the number of starts is generally low.
  • Fires in open-cured grassland will burn briskly and spread rapidly on
    windy days. Wood fires spread slowly to moderately fast.
  • The average fire is of moderate intensity, although heavy concentrations
    of fuel, especially draped fuel, may burn hot. Short-distance spotting
    may occur, but is not persistent.
  • Fires are not likely to become serious, and control is relatively easy.

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